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1992 Magnum Magnum 63



Built by the historic U.S. shipyard Magnum Marine in 1992, this Magnum 63 is the iconic powerboat of all time. The elegant and aggressive lines combined with power make this boats unique in the world. Driven by the desire of a fast and open boat, and following the recent trend of refitting legacy model yachts from the past, the owner has chosen to buy and completely refit M/Y FURY as an outstanding fully custom boat like a new construction. The engine room is in flawless showroom condition with the installation of new MTU 12V2000 M96X engines. Then, every on-board system of the engine room has been replaced: from the fuel tanks to the water tanks, from the hydraulic system to the electrical one, from the Arneson surface drives to the bilge pumps. Finally, the boat has been completed repainted.
Moving on to the interiors, we completely removed the previous furniture and dismantled the existing cabins boasting a beautiful new contemporary state-of-the-art interior, designed by Tommaso Spadolini, that makes this boat one of a kind. She has an interior layout of three cabins and three toilets with orange and blue worked leather details and a large kitchen. The floor is in slatted teak with light joint. Modifications of the cockpit area have been numerous: the external furniture, seats and sundecks design has been completely rearranged so as to maximize the on-board space. M/Y Fury has been reborn and despite she is a 90's boat it can be considered to all intents and purposes a new construction and so she offers a unique opportunity to purchase a high quality powerboat.

Built by the historic U.S. shipyard Magnum Marine in 1992, this Magnum 63 is the iconic powerboat of all time. The elegant and aggressive lines combined with power make this boats unique in the world. Driven by the desire of a fast and open boat, and following the recent trend of refitting legacy model yachts from the past, the owner has chosen to buy and completely refit M/Y FURY as an outstanding fully custom boat like a new construction. The engine room is in flawless showroom condition with the installation of new MTU 12V2000 M96X engines. Then, every on-board system of the engine room has been replaced: from the fuel tanks to the water tanks, from the hydraulic system to the electrical one, from the Arneson surface drives to the bilge pumps. Finally, the boat has been completed repainted.
Moving on to the interiors, we completely removed the previous furniture and dismantled the existing cabins boasting a beautiful new contemporary state-of-the-art interior, designed by Tommaso Spadolini, that makes this boat one of a kind. She has an interior layout of three cabins and three toilets with orange and blue worked leather details and a large kitchen. The floor is in slatted teak with light joint. Modifications of the cockpit area have been numerous: the external furniture, seats and sundecks design has been completely rearranged so as to maximize the on-board space. M/Y Fury has been reborn and despite she is a 90’s boat it can be considered to all intents and purposes a new construction and so she offers a unique opportunity to purchase a high quality powerboat.

Construit par le chantier naval américain historique Magnum Marine en 1992, ce Magnum 63 est le bateau à moteur emblématique de tous les temps. Les lignes élégantes et agressives combinées à la puissance rendent ce bateau unique au monde. Poussé par le désir d’un bateau rapide et ouvert, et suivant la tendance récente de réaménager les anciens modèles de yachts du passé, le propriétaire a choisi d’acheter et de réaménager complètement le M/Y FURY en tant que bateau exceptionnel entièrement personnalisé comme une nouvelle construction. La salle des machines est dans un état impeccable avec l’installation de nouveaux moteurs MTU 12V2000 M96X. Ensuite, tous les systèmes de bord de la salle des machines ont été remplacés : des réservoirs de carburant aux réservoirs d’eau, du système hydraulique au système électrique, des entraînements de surface Arneson aux pompes de cale. Enfin, le bateau a été entièrement repeint.
En ce qui concerne les intérieurs, nous avons complètement supprimé le mobilier précédent et démonté les cabines existantes avec un bel intérieur contemporain à la pointe de la technologie, conçu par Tommaso Spadolini, qui rend ce bateau unique en son genre. Il dispose d’un aménagement intérieur de trois cabines et de trois toilettes avec des détails en cuir travaillé orange et bleu et d’une grande cuisine. Le sol est en teck à lattes avec joint léger. Les modifications apportées à la zone du cockpit ont été nombreuses : le mobilier extérieur, les sièges et le design des bains de soleil ont été entièrement réaménagés afin de maximiser l’espace à bord. Le M/Y Fury renaît et bien qu’il s’agisse d’un bateau des années 90, il peut être considéré à toutes fins utiles comme une nouvelle construction et offre donc une occasion unique d’acheter un bateau à moteur de haute qualité.

Diese Magnum 63 wurde 1992 von der historischen US-Werft Magnum Marine gebaut und ist das ikonische Motorboot aller Zeiten. Die eleganten und aggressiven Linien in Kombination mit der Kraft machen dieses Boot einzigartig auf der Welt. Angetrieben von dem Wunsch nach einem schnellen und offenen Boot und dem jüngsten Trend folgend, ältere Modellyachten aus der Vergangenheit umzurüsten, hat sich der Eigner entschieden, die M/Y FURY zu kaufen und komplett umzurüsten, da es sich um ein herausragendes, vollständig maßgeschneidertes Boot wie eine neue Konstruktion handelt. Der Maschinenraum befindet sich in einem tadellosen Ausstellungszustand mit dem Einbau neuer MTU 12V2000 M96X-Motoren. Dann wurde das gesamte Bordsystem des Maschinenraums ausgetauscht: von den Kraftstofftanks bis zu den Wassertanks, vom Hydrauliksystem bis zum elektrischen System, von den Arneson-Oberflächenantrieben bis zu den Lenzpumpen. Zum Schluss wurde das Boot komplett neu lackiert.
Was die Innenräume betrifft, so haben wir die alten Möbel vollständig entfernt und die vorhandenen Kabinen abgebaut, um ein wunderschönes, neues, modernes Interieur zu erhalten, das von Tommaso Spadolini entworfen wurde und dieses Boot einzigartig macht. Sie verfügt über eine Innenausstattung von drei Kabinen und drei Toiletten mit orangefarbenen und blauen Lederdetails und einer großen Küche. Der Boden ist aus Teakholzspalten mit heller Fuge. Der Cockpitbereich wurde zahlreich modifiziert: Das Design der Außenmöbel, der Sitze und der Sonnendecks wurde komplett neu angeordnet, um den Platz an Bord zu maximieren. Die M/Y Fury wurde wiedergeboren und obwohl sie ein Boot aus den 90er Jahren ist, kann sie in jeder Hinsicht als Neubau betrachtet werden und bietet somit eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, ein hochwertiges Motorboot zu erwerben.

Construida por el histórico astillero estadounidense Magnum Marine en 1992, esta Magnum 63 es la lancha motora icónica de todos los tiempos. Las líneas elegantes y agresivas combinadas con la potencia hacen que estos barcos sean únicos en el mundo. Impulsado por el deseo de un barco rápido y abierto, y siguiendo la reciente tendencia de reacondicionar modelos de yates heredados del pasado, el propietario ha optado por comprar y reacondicionar completamente el M / Y Fury como un barco excepcional totalmente personalizado como una nueva construcción. La sala de máquinas se encuentra en perfectas condiciones de exposición con la instalación de los nuevos motores MTU 12V2000 M96X. A continuación, se han sustituido todos los sistemas de a bordo de la sala de máquinas: desde los depósitos de combustible hasta los depósitos de agua, desde el sistema hidráulico hasta el eléctrico, desde los accionamientos de superficie Arneson hasta las bombas de achique. Finalmente, el barco ha sido completamente repintado.
Pasando a los interiores, eliminamos por completo los muebles anteriores y desmantelamos los camarotes existentes con un hermoso interior contemporáneo de última generación, diseñado por Tommaso Spadolini, que hace que este barco sea único. Tiene una distribución interior de tres camarotes y tres aseos con detalles en cuero trabajado de color naranja y azul y una amplia cocina. El suelo es de listones de teca con junta ligera. Las modificaciones de la zona de la bañera han sido numerosas: el mobiliario exterior, los asientos y el diseño de los soláriums se han reorganizado por completo para maximizar el espacio a bordo. El M/Y Fury ha renacido y, a pesar de ser un barco de los años 90, puede considerarse a todos los efectos una nueva construcción, por lo que ofrece una oportunidad única de comprar un barco a motor de alta calidad.

Построенная исторической американской верфью Magnum Marine в 1992 году, эта Magnum 63 является культовой моторной лодкой всех времен. Элегантные и агрессивные линии в сочетании с мощью делают эту лодку уникальной в мире. Движимый желанием быстрой и открытой лодки и следуя недавней тенденции переоборудования устаревших моделей яхт из прошлого, владелец решил купить и полностью переоборудовать M/Y FURY как выдающуюся полностью кастомизированную лодку, как новую постройку. Машинное отделение находится в безупречном состоянии выставочного зала с установкой новых двигателей MTU 12V2000 M96X. Затем были заменены все бортовые системы машинного отделения: от топливных баков до баков для воды, от гидравлической системы до электрической, от надводных приводов Arneson до трюмных помп. Наконец, лодка была полностью перекрашена.
Переходя к интерьерам, мы полностью убрали предыдущую мебель и демонтировали существующие каюты, которые могут похвастаться новым красивым современным интерьером, разработанным Томмазо Спадолини, который делает эту лодку единственной в своем роде. Она имеет внутреннюю планировку из трех кают и трех туалетов с оранжевыми и синими кожаными деталями и большой кухни. Пол из реечного тика с легким швом. Было внесено множество изменений в зону кокпита: внешняя мебель, сиденья и дизайн солнечных палуб были полностью переставлены таким образом, чтобы максимально увеличить пространство на борту. M/Y Fury возродилась, и, несмотря на то, что это лодка 90-х годов, ее можно считать во всех смыслах и целях новой постройкой, поэтому она предлагает уникальную возможность приобрести высококачественную моторную лодку.


Great Southern Yacht Company is pleased to assist you in the purchase of this vessel. This boat is centrally listed by Idea Yachting Ltd.

Basic Boat Info

Tax Status: Paid
Make: Magnum
Model: Magnum 63
Year: 1992
Condition: Used
Category: Power
Builder: Magnum Marine
Construction: Fiberglass


Length: 63'1 ft / 19.22 m
Length Overall: 63'1 ft / 19.22 m
Beam: 15'10 ft / 4.82 m
Max Draft: 2'7 ft / 0.80 m
Min Draft: 2.62 ft
Electrical Circuit: 220 V
Cabins Count: 3

Engines / Speed

Engines: 2
Engine #1 Specs:
  • Make: MTU
  • Model: MTU 12V2000 M96X
  • Fuel: Other
  • Engine Power: 2,600hp
  • Engine Hours: 91
Engine #2 Specs:
  • Make: MTU
  • Model: MTU 12V2000 M96X
  • Fuel: Other
  • Engine Power: 2,600hp
  • Engine Hours: 91
Total Engine Power: 5,200hp
Cruising Speed: 45 kn
Maximum Speed: 57 kn


Fuel Tanks: 1
Fuel Tank Capacity: 1,057 gal
Water Tanks: 1
Water Tank Capacity: 370 gal
Holding Tank Count: 1
Holding Tank Capacity: 63 gal


Heads Count: 3
Windlass Type: Electric
Stock Number: 742456
Boat Class: Express Cruiser

Additional accessories

Electronic tools for navigation
AIS (Raymarine AIS 700), Rudder angle indicator, Radar Antenna (Raymarine), Electronic engine control, 2 Display (I70), DSC vhf, 2 Depth Sounder (Raymarine Eco Sonar 1Kw Real Vision, another trasductor for Log and water temerature), GPS (Raymarine RS150), 2 Interface, Log (Raymarine), Autopilot (Raymarine Evolution EV-400), 4 Chartplotter (2 Raymarine Axiom 19", 1 Axiom 12" in the galley, 1 Axiom 9" in the crew cabin), Radar (Raymarine Quantum 24nm), VHF Radio (Raymarine Ray90 Black Box), Wind Station (Airmar WX120).

Staging and technical
Fume/Gas Detector, Engine Alarm, Bilge Alarm, Anchor, Electric Engine Compartment Opening, 2 Water pressure pump (1 24V and 1 220V), Batteries (Lithium - New 2021), Draining System, 3 Battery charger (Mastervolt 2x services, 1x engines), Special Colour, Bow Thruster (Side Power Sleipner), 2 Directional Spotlight (Sunshine), Hydraulic Flaps, Fire Extinguishing System, Flaps Indicators, Anchor Chain Washdown, 2 Underwater lights (White and Blue), Gangway (Sanguinetti Chiavari Hydraulic), Platform, Automatic Bilge Pump, Teak Cockpit (10mm 2021), Shorepower connector, Water harbor connector system, Voltage Rectifier, Rollbar, cockpit table (inox telescopic), Horn, 2 Stern Winches, Bow Winches.

Domestic Facilities onboard
Warm Water System (80L), Inverter Air Conditioning, Internet Connection, Domotic Controller, Light Dimmer, Watermaker (Idromar 210l/h - 5 hours), Waste Water Plant, Interior wooden floor (In Teak), 220V Outlets, Black Water Tank, Video camera, 2 Termovision (FLIR AX8 with temperature alarm in the engine room).

4 Speakers (300W ech, a sub woofer 1400W and 2 twitter), Satellite Decoder, Radio AM/FM (DAB), Hi-Fi (MS-RA 770).

Kitchen and appliances
Galley, Oven (Forno), Deck Refrigerator, 2 Refrigerator, ICE Maker, Dishwasher (Miele), Ceramic hot plate (Induction).

Bimini, Cockpit Cover, Cushions (New 2021), Stern Cushions, Bow Cushions, Instrument Cover, Seat Cover.

Accessories notes

REFIT 2022
- Total repainting of the boat in white with Dupont / Jotun cycle and double blue stripe paintwork in American muscle car style like Ford Cobra.
- Deck in no-skid matt in the same color as the finishing of the hull
- New windshield with mirror polished 316 stainless steel frame
- Reinforcement of the keel area with resin infusions
- Reinforcement of side spars
- Installation of new portholes
- Mobile cockpit construction with doors and shelf finished in 8mm teak
- New pilot and co-pilot seats with storage compartments and teak grilled interiors. External finish lacquered in hull colour
- L-shaped cabinet construction on the right side with 8mm teak shelf. Includes new IceMaker and new large refrigerator
- New left C-shaped sofa in resin-coated plywood with internal teak grilles and external lacquered hull color finish
- New teak cockpit table consisting of a fixed part and two folding wings. Telescopic stainless steel base
- New stainless steel perimeter rubrail with visible stainless steel fixing screws
- New construction of light alloy platform with 4 retractable stainless steel bollard and swimming ladder supports on both sides
- Adaptation of Pininfarina ladder for access to the new platform
- Construction of new stainless steel swimming ladder with handles
- Platform painting treatment with no-skid finish on the walkable parts in the color of the hull
- New "Magnum" and "Pininfarina" side lettering obtained with water cutting from 8mm stainless steel sheet and mirror polishing
- New 10mm teak cockpit deck with white caulking
- New front and rear sumbrella plus bimini with fixed 40mm diameter stainless steel tubular structure with two forward supports and 35mm diameter mobile arch
- Supply of 6 foldable stainless steel bollards for side fenders
- New cushions for all exteriors
- New dashboard covers, pilot bench, co-pilot bench, sofa, table cover and sundeck in stamoid light

- Dismantling and unloading of all equipment present in the engine room: removal of water tank, gray and black water tanks, unloading of engines and exhaust system, unloading of generator, removal of original insulation etc...
- Renovation of the entire engine room
- Installation of new MTU 12V2000 M96X engines
- Application of 2 coats of white gelcoat on the entire surface of the bilge and on the lateral parts
- New lateral and ceiling insulation with soundfill acoustic insulation panels 50/60mm thick
- Construction of 2 new tanks with a total capacity of 4000 liters in Peralluman 5085 h111 light alloy in nautical mode with rounded edges and 5mm thickness
- New ventilation system increased by 2.2Kw/each
- New seacocks and seawater intake
- New 1400 liter fresh water tank
- Installation of new Kohler generators 20.5Kw and 9Kw
- New 80 liter boiler
- Installation of new Idromar 210 l/h watermaker
- 2 new Cem autoclaves, 1 at 24V and 1 at 220V
- New plumbing system
- New 24V and 220V electrical system
- New chain washing systems
- New 240 liter waste water system
- New bilge pumps
- New Frigomar 50,000btu air conditioning system and 4 fan coils
- New antifire system
- Overhaul of electro-hydraulic control units for the engine bonnet door and gangway
- Replacement of high pressure gangway pipes
- Overhaul of the flap system and the two control units
- New stainless steel exhaust gas system
- New treadplate aluminum flooring
- Bow thruster overhaul
- Revision of stern capstans and new chrome plating
- New Lofrans X4 anchor winch and new 75m 12mm chain
- New electrical panel installed in the engine room complete with instrumentation and controls for all 24V and 220V on-board utilities
- New 600A lithium service batteries with double charger
- Installation of 2 MTU screens in the engine room and dashboard

- Complete overhaul of the surface drives and their components including replacement of the main shafts
- Replacement of high pressure hoses and all components subject to wear

-Installation of 2 new Raymarine Axiom19", 1 Raymarine Axiom12" in the galley and 1 Raymarine Axiom9" in the crew cabin
- GPS Rs150 antenna
- Navionics plus cartography
- Complete Raymarine Evolution Ev-400 autopilot
- 24nm Quantum Radar Antenna Raymarine 24nm Quantum
- VHF Raymarine Ray90 Black Box
- AIS 700
- Eco Sonar 1Kw Real Vision
- Bronze Transducer Log and sea water temperature
- 2 FLIR AX8 thermal cameras for engine room with overheating alarm
- Anemometer
- Engine interface
- 2 VHF antennas
- PLC control system

- Demolition of interiors for reconstruction of new ones
- New master cabin in the bow with orange worked leather details and ensuite bathroom with separate shower
- Guest cabin with side double bed and blue worked leather details and ensuite bathroom with separate shower
- Internal flooring in slatted teak with light joint
- Captain's cabin with single bed and private bathroom that can be used as a third guest cabin
- Kitchen with large orange worktop, stainless steel sink and Miele appliances (induction hob, filter hood, dishwasher and oven)

The Company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice.

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